School eats. Nuff Said.
That wasn't much of a rant, now was it? Hmm, well then I'll elaborate.
School is nothing more than a popularity contest. It teaches kids who don't conform to the popular idea of perfection (preppie....*shudder*) that they are worthless. It reinforces the sexist stereotypes that plauge our society. It kills the creativity of countless children per year. I haven't needed any education since I was 13 or 14. I know more than most adults!
Education should not be mandatory. If you don't want to go to school, you shouldn't have to. The people who are too dumb to realize that they need SOME education probably wouldn't benefit from it very much anyway. And education certainly should not take as long as it does. School wastes so much time on crap that there's no time left for any real learning.
Plus, school prepetuates the myth that someone who doesn't belong to a mainstream religion is a satanist. I've actually been called that before. People are stupid. It is a fact of life. No education can cure them of it.
Which is why school is pointless.