I am VERY pissed off right now. The jury found Aaron Mckinney, the man who killed Matthew Shepard, guilty, but sentenced him to only life in prison! In effect, they have acknowledged that he performed this heinous deed, but that it does not warrant the death penalty. EXCUSE ME?? If this doesn't warrant the death penalty, what does?? In the 1920's, socialists were given death sentences for things as small as holding up a shoe store! This man savagely beat Matthew Shepard and left him to die, and he doesn't deserve the death penalty? He ADMITTED to killing Shepard! He should have been taken out in back and shot the instant the guilty verdict came in! I personally would advocate a much more painful death for this sicko, but I don't think that everyone would agree with me. That leads me to something else...why do we treat our Death Row Inmates so well? Read about that here.