Jeez! Here we go again! You'd think we could go one year at least without bombing some little speck of a country into its constituent particles. Note: I'm not putting down the East Timorese or the Indonesians. I'm just saying we could kick their ass fairly easily (a lot easier than it was to bomb Milosevic, that's for sure). After all, if the government and heads of the military isn't in charge, who is? The generals in the field, who are all acting separatly. They have no established defensive routine that will enable them to hold for months before eventually giving up. If we bomb them, they'll get wasted.
This is all so stupid. Why can't we all just get along?
Another thing: How come that, at the first sign of trouble, we can nuke the crap out of Serbia, but we have to wait for Indonesia to ask us for help? Does this make any sense? Can you say double standard? What is really funny is that the US has been supporting Suharto and every other Indonesian dictator for I don't know how long. Totally unrelated to this is the fact that every US corporation has sweat shops and low wage labor in Indonesia. We aren't going to bomb Indonesia, because it would hurt the almighty dollar. That's really sick that we can let all of these human lives go to waste just because of big business. All hail the almighty dollar.