Why do we treat our Death Row inmates so well?

Well, you swa the title, why do we? Why do we feed and clothe them for 15 or 20 years before we finally do the deed? And why do we put them to death in such painless fashion? These people were given the death sentence for a reason! They should get one, maybe two appeals, then take 'em out back and shoot 'em. Or, in the case of particularly violent offenders, use eye for an eye justice. Pickaxe someone to death? Expect to be pickaxed to death yourself. If we kill people in the most humane was possible, the death sentence will no longer be a deterrent. Hell, it isn't now! It should be as painful as we can possibly make it! These sickos took humans life, so they most certainly do not deserve to be treated humanely. They gave up that right when they murdered someone.