
Well, the time has come, ladies and gentlemen, for me to give my two cents about abortion. This was prompted by the recent passage of a bill in Missouri banning second trimester abortions, even over the governors veto. This has confirmed my thoughts about Missourians: they are total dumbasses. I already knew this because why else would they build the St. Louis airport the way they did if they weren't?

All stupidity aside, though, this is really a dumb question. The answer is SO simple, it comes from a cartoon show! This is quoted directly from one of the Halloween Special Episodes of The Simpsons.

Alien Masquerading As Bob Dole: Abortions for all!
Crowd: BOO!
AMABD: Very well then..abortions for none!
Crowd: BOO!
AMABD: Hmm...abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!
Crowd: Yay!

What I find really disgusting about this law is that it allows ANYONE to take the law into their own hands, which includes physical violence! This means that some right-wing crackpot anti-abortion idiot can maim or kill an abortion doctor and will be protected under this law! How sick is that? What are we coming to in this psychotic country of ours?

It is obvious from this rant that I am pro-choice. DUH. I am a feminist, and I do not believe it is constitutional for the government to legislate on what happens in our bodies or our bedrooms (statutory rape laws would get my girlfriend convicted as a sex offender if we had sex). I mean, DAMN, people have been having sex since before the STONE AGE. It's not like it's some new thing going around. And it's not like those right-wing Christian anti-abortion crackpots haven't had sex! Jerry Falwell has had sex (I don't know why anyone would screw him, but whatever floats your boat, I guess). If men could get pregnant, you could bet your ass that the radical right would be scambling to cover their own asses. If the technology came out that made it possible for men to carry a child to term, they'd make it illegal. How much do you want to bet? Hmm? That is EXACTLY what would happen.

In conclusion, all people are idiots, but anti-abortions crackpots are even more idiotic than other people.

By the way, I DESPISE children. Read all about it here.