Why do you want to know anything about me?

Behold me now! I am Lord Kitsune! I am a jerk! Well, alright, I'm not. But that's OK. I can fake it. I'm very very lazy. I'm into Dungeons and Dragons, Alternity, Werewolf, Vampire, Mage, Shadowrun and Abberant. Wow, I'm really into escapist fantasy aren't I?

How about some basic stats? That'll have to do until I get a half decent picture of myself up here.

Eyes Green
Hair Brown and long
Height 5'6''
Weight 141
Age 17
Marital Status I hate being single

So as you can see, I am a nerd. Do not attempt to dissuade me from this idea of myself, I have spent considerable time pondering this. I am actually a small subspecies of nerd called dorkus gothicus grungious, or the Gothic Grunge Nerd. This is evident from my natural camoflauge (ie the way I dress)

So, how about an FAQ? Great!

What the f*ck is a Kitsune?
A Kitsune is a Japanese fox-spirit that is very mischievous. They can do magic and have up to nine tails. The more tails they have, the more powerful they are. They gain one tail for every hundred years that they live. I have links to more in-depth Kitsune stuff on my links page.

So...why are you Lord Kitsune?
Well, because my name is Kitsune and I am nobility. Hence, Lord Kitsune.

Why are you so f*cked up?
F*cked-up-ness is in the eye of the beholder. I'm very normal. It's the rest of the planet that's f*cked up.

So, how old are you?
The ripe old age of 17.

Are you single? *nudge nudge wink wink*
YES! And I hate it!

What religion are you?
Well first of all I'm not a religion. Second of all, I'm not religious. I tried being a Wiccan but it didn't work out. I just don't have the capacity to believe in all-powerful deities. If I worship anything, I worship love, the most powerful force in the universe.

I'm a hopeless romantic. Deal with it.

Uh, ok. Siblings?
One. Female, 13, annoying, japanophile.

I killed the friendship list because some people were mad that I was too lazy to update the site after I became friends with them. If you were on my list, don't blame me, blame the nameless person *coughALEXcough* who complained.